[Incorporation] [AGM2000] [Jul-00-EGM] [AGM 2001] [AGM2002] [AGM 2003] [AGM 2004] [AGM2007] [AGM 2008] [AGM 2009]

AGM 2000 Minutes

Minutes of the First Annual General Meeting of St Louis Old Boys' Association Incorporated held at Sasanqua Cottage, 102 Archer Street, Chatswood 2067 on Saturday 11th March 2000 6.00 p.m.


Dr. Ben Lau, Mr. Authony Liu, Mr. Tony Wong, Dr. Bemard Vim, Mr. Peter Cheung, Mr. Felix Chiu, Mr. Alex Wong, Dr. Augustine Chan, Mr. Christopher Cheng, Mr. Harry Cheuk, Mr. Leon Ho, Mr. Alex Kam, Mr. Andrew Lam, Mr. Stephen Lam, Mr. Michael Lee, Mr.Kenny Lok, Mr. Henry Pong, Dr. Samson So, Mr. Vincent So, Mr. Albert Tang, Mr. Bernard Wong, Dr. Benjwnin Wong, Mr. Gary Yeung, Mr. KK Yung

Mr. Joseph CW Chan (Proxy: Mr. Anthony Liu), Mr. Joseph CK Chan (Proxy: Mr. Tony Wong), Mr. Andy fong (Proxy: Dr. Ben Lau), Dr. Simon Kani (Proxy: Dr. Ben Lau), Ms. Theresa Lee (Proxy: Mr. Peter  Cheung), Mr. Patrick Lee (Proxy: Mr. Peter Cheung), Mr. Ambrose Lee (Proxy: Dr. Ben Lau), Mr. Williain Leung (Proxy: Dr. Ben Lau), Mr. Oliver Leung (Proxy: Dr. Ben Lau), Mr. Ronald Ma (Proxy: Mr. Alex Wong), Mr.Eric  Tse (Proxy: Dr. Ben Lau), Mr. Harry Tse (Proxy: Mr. Gary Yeung), Mr. John Tung (Proxy: Mr. Alex Wong), Mr. Peter Wong (Proxy: Mr. Felix Chiu), Mr. Peter Young (Proxy: Mr. Anthony Liu), Mr. Terence Young (Proxy: Mr. Felix Chiu)

The meeting commenced at 6.00 p.m. chaired by Dr. Ben Lau

  1. President's Report
    The President's report for the year ended 30th September 1999 was presented by Dr. Ben Lau.
  2. Presentation and Adoption of Accounts
    The Statements of Accounts and auditor's report (Hollis Ho and Co.) for the year ended 30" September was presented by Mr. Alex Wong and adopted (proposed by Mr. Tony Wong and seconded by Dr. Ben Lau).
  3. Election of Committee Members for the year 1999 to 2000
    The following members have accepted their nominations and were elected as Committee Members for the year  1999 to 2000:
    Dr. Ben Lau (proposed by Anthony Liu and seconded by Tony Wong)
    Mr. Alex Wong (proposed by Dr. Bemard Yim and seconded by Dr. Samson So)
    Mr. Tony Wong (proposed by Mr. Albert Tang and seconded by Mr. Henry Pong)
    Mr. Ronald Ma (proposed by Mr. Alex Wong and seconded by Mr. Tony Wong)
    Mr. Peter Cheung (proposed by Dr. Benjamin Wong and seconded by Mr. Felix Chiu)
    Mr. Felix Chiu (proposed by Mr. Henry Pong and seconded by Mr. Tony Wong)
    Mr. Andrew Lam (proposed by Dr. Ben Lau and seconded by Dr. Bernard Yini)
  4. Any Other Business
    It was proposed and unanimously resolved that an extraordinary meeting is to be held on 15th July 2000 to consider the following motions:
    1. change of year-end date to 31 December
    2. AGM to be held within 3 months of year-end date
    3. change of quorum of general meeting to 20 members or one-third of total number of members, whichever is lower.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjoined at 7.00 p.m.




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