[Registration] [Objective] [Committee] [Constitution]

Web site Objective

To foster and facilitate the pursuit of the objects of SLOBA, Sydney as stipulated in its constitution by:

  1. serving as a tool of communication with its members in Sydney and other affiliates in Australia;
  2. communicating with SLOBA Hong Kong and SLOBA Canada for better co-ordination of our activities with all Old Boys around the world;
  3. providing a platform to all Old Boys for up-to-day information about our mother school, past teachers, priests and old friends of St.Louis School;
  4. serving as an interactive open forum for all SLOBA members around the world to communicate with SLOBA Australia.

[index] [About Us] [Report] [Upcoming Programs] [About St Louis School] [Our Mentors] [Old Boys in Australia]

Please contact us with questions or comments.
©Copyright 1999 St Louis Old Boys Association, Inc. All rights reserved.